Sunday, September 28, 2014

How to Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris the Proven Way
How to Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris the Proven Way
Do you have bumpy red dots on your upper arms? Do you notice that your legs come out in bumpy red irritated spots when your skin is dry, or through the cold weather. If so, it's possible that you're experiencing the skin condition, Keratosis Pilaris. While these bumps look unsightly, and can often get itchy, the excellent news fortunately is that it's reasonably not harmful.
The bad problem is, that there's no known treatment. In spite of this before you resign yourself to a life of long sleeved shirts and full length bottoms, be ensured that there's a lot of things you can try to minimize the breakout of the spots, so if you really want to know the best ways to do away with Keratosis Pilaris, continue reading.
Keratosis Pilaris influences more than half of the teens worldwide. Yet there is no clear-cut treatment.|There is no clear-cut treatment. It takes place when your body starts to produce an unwanted protein called keratin,found in the outer layer of your skin. This collects in the hair follicles to form a little plug, blocking the exit for the hairs developing in the hair follicle. These little plugs not only develop raised, spiky bumps, but also influence the hair's ability to grow normal. Typically the hair will almost always grow in a curled shape within the hair follicle itself, becoming irritated and causing the skin around it to become red. Keratosis Pilaris influences more than half of the teens around the world.
Thankfully there are numerous things you can do to improve the appearance of the skin. Firstly you must make use of non-soap based cleansers on your skin as opposed to soap, as this tends to dry the skin out, and make the bumps more evident.
Secondly you must put in the time to moisturize any bumpy areas on a regular basis to keep the skin soft and supple
Creams consisting of active ingredients such as salicylic acid, lactic acid or urea are typically advised, as these not only moisturize the skin, but consist of natural exfoliates which will get rid of the top layers of skin, and loosen the keratin plugs.
If you find out that topical creams are not strong enough alone, make use of a rough wash cloth or softer pumice stone on the areas, but be careful not to rub too hard, specifically if you're making use of a pumice stone, as this can get rid of too much skin, and make the area really sensitive and sore. You must make use of non-soap based cleansers on your skin as this tends to dry the skin out, and make the bumps more evident.
If you find out that your Keratosis Pilaris is causing you much un-rest, a call to your medical professional or a skin doctor could be the answer.
They'll be able to suggest other medications, such as retinol creams, chemical peels and dermabrasion which, while not specifically created for treatment of this condition, have been known to lessen it substantially.

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